How Long Does Fentanyl Stay in Urine?
Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid. Fentanyl is usually used to treat severe pain. It is prescribed to patients after their surgery or for those undergoing cancer treatments. Fentanyl may be useful medically, but because it has highly addictive properties, it has also become a drug abused recreationally.
In this article, we will explore what fentanyl is, how long fentanyl stays in urine and the body, as well as the different addiction treatment options.
What is Fentanyl?
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that healthcare providers prescribe to treat severe pain caused by disease or after undergoing surgery. Synthetic opioids like fentanyl are similar to morphine. However, fentanyl is more potent, so medical professionals carefully administer it to ensure that an individual will only receive a dosage that is appropriate for one’s condition. Anesthesiologists also use fentanyl to ensure a pain-free surgery.
Unfortunately, illicit fentanyl use is increasing as well. Because of its highly addictive properties, some people use fentanyl to get an intense high – something that other opioids or drugs may not be able to achieve.
Understanding Fentanyl Addiction
With fentanyl, you can get an intense high from the drug use, even in small doses. Medical professionals administer fentanyl via lozenges, injections, or transdermal patches. Fentanyl triggers the brain to release endorphins. These hormones play a role in improving one’s mood and alleviating pain. It tells the brain that you feel good.
When the effect of the dose starts to wear off, individuals may want to experience that pleasurable feeling again. It usually begins as a legitimate medical use until a person becomes dependent on its effects. What was once an opioid used to manage severe pain has now become an addiction.
The rate of addiction to fentanyl is rapidly increasing. Hence, the Drug Enforcement Administration and other agencies are working hard to combat illicit fentanyl use. Illicit forms of fentanyl are usually in pills, powder form, or blotting paper. Fentanyl is manufactured illegally and is often mixed with other drugs. Because of this, illicitly manufactured fentanyl can be potent as one cannot determine if the mixture has a lethal dose.
How Long Does Fentanyl Stay in Your System?
A common question on fentanyl use is “How long does fentanyl stay in a person’s system?” How long fentanyl stays in your system depends on a variety of factors. This includes:
Drug Metabolism
One of the main factors that affect the duration of fentanyl in the body is the metabolism of fentanyl. How long the body metabolizes fentanyl usually depends on the frequency of use and the dosage taken by the person. The longer the fentanyl use and the higher the dosage, the longer it would take for the drug to be broken down and eliminated from the body.
Half-Life of the Drug
The half-life of the drug can also influence how long fentanyl remains in one’s system. A half-life is the amount of time it would take to eliminate half of the fentanyl in your system. Fentanyl remains depending on how it was administered. If it is administered via injection, its half-life is about two to four hours. Lozenges have five to fourteen hours of half-life while transdermal paches have about seventeen hours.
Overall Health
A person’s metabolism and health can affect fentanyl’s duration in the body. A healthy person may eliminate fentanyl faster compared to those who have poor metabolism. A well-functioning liver or kidney also breaks down fentanyl faster.
Even though a person no longer feels its effects, the metabolite of fentanyl can remain in your system. This is when fentanyl testing can be helpful. Fentanyl is detectable with standard drug tests so doing one can help determine the presence of fentanyl.
Factors That Influence the Detection of Fentanyl
Fentanyl detection can be influenced by certain factors such as:
Frequency of Use
Depending on the length and amount of dosage fentanyl is used can affect detection. The higher the dosage and the longer it has been taken, the longer fentanyl can be detectable in your system.
How It Was Administered
The detection window is affected by how fentanyl is administered. Some forms of fentanyl tend to last longer in the body.
Type of Test
The detection times vary by test type. Certain tests tend to detect fentanyl faster than others. The time will also depend on the samples collected for the test.
What Drug Test Can Detect Fentanyl?
Different types of drug tests can help detect the presence of fentanyl.
Urine Drug Tests
Fentanyl can be detected in the body through urine tests. How fast fentanyl shows up in the test depends on a person’s hydration levels and metabolism. Fentanyl and its metabolites can be detected in urine within 1 to 4 days after the last usage.
Blood Tests
Fentanyl can be detectable in the blood for up to twelve hours after the last use. Blood test offers the shortest detection window among other types of drug screening so it is ideal for detecting recent exposure.
Saliva Test
Saliva tests detect fentanyl within one to four days. It has a similar window of detection with urine tests. This is ideal for fast fentanyl detection such as in roadside testing or a workplace health screening.
Hair Follicle Test
Hair follicle tests can detect fentanyl for up to ninety days from the last usage. Unlike other tests that can detect recent use, this test is ideal for determining long-term drug use.
All of these tests are important in assessing recent drug use which will be very crucial in providing adequate treatment to individuals who want to overcome addiction.
Signs and Symptoms of Fentanyl Addiction
Fentanyl is available in various forms. Individuals start by using it as medication until they get addicted to the effects of fentanyl use. Fentanyl addiction can sometimes be difficult to notice. These are some of the signs of drug abuse that you need to watch out for:
Physical Symptoms
These symptoms include:
- Drowsiness
- Slowed breathing
- Slurred speech
- Weight loss
- Demanding higher doses as the body develops tolerance
- Withdrawal symptoms when not using (e.g., nausea, muscle aches, etc.)
Psychological Symptoms
The signs of addiction to fentanyl also include:
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Hallucinations
- Cravings for fentanyl
Behavioral Symptoms
Addiction can also be observed in one’s behavior. You may notice the following signs:
- Isolation
- Neglect of personal hygiene
- Continued drug use despite adverse effects
- Illegally obtaining the drug
- Problems in relationships or with socializing
Effects and Risks of Fentanyl Addiction
Even in small doses, one has to be cautious with the potency of fentanyl. It is prescribed only by medical professionals but there are illicit fentanyl manufactured that others abuse and later on lead to addiction. Prolonged use of fentanyl can lead to health problems. The drug use has both short-term and long-term effects on the body.
Short Term Effects
Powerful opioids, including fentanyl, have immediate pain-killing effects on the body. It also comes with side effects such as:
- Confusion
- Drowsiness
- Slowed breathing
- Nausea
- Constipation
- Vomiting
Long Term Effects
Just like any other drug, long-term use has negative effects especially when taken without medical supervision. Prolonged fentanyl misuse can cause:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Bowel obstruction
- Heart attack
- Reproductive issues
A person’s overall well-being can be adversely affected by the dangers of fentanyl abuse. Even after the drug is no longer detectable by tests, the effects of using it and of fentanyl overdoses are still significant.
Fentanyl Addiction Treatment
It is important to seek addiction treatment early to avoid serious side effects from the use of fentanyl. Twilight Recovery Center offers different treatment programs depending on a person’s condition. Some of the treatment options are:
Detoxification helps individuals to manage withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be experienced within the first few hours from the time that fentanyl was last taken. This can be a challenging phase as the body is still adjusting to the sudden absence of the drug and one may experience mild to intense cravings.
Inpatient Treatment
For inpatient treatment, individuals will be staying in a specialized facility where they will receive comprehensive care 24/7. Different therapies are also designed to ensure healing and maintaining sobriety. This helps treat any underlying issues that may have caused addiction. Individuals will also learn different coping strategies that help prevent drug abuse.
Outpatient Treatment
Contrary to residential treatment, outpatient treatment does not require one to stay in a treatment center. This is ideal for less severe conditions. Individuals will be staying at home and can still live their normal lives. They can make appointments and come to the center on the scheduled date.
In the treatment programs, medication may also be prescribed. The use of medication is to help deal with withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse.
We Can Support You in Your Fentanyl Addiction Recovery
With the potency of fentanyl, seeking help can be a life-saving step. Don’t let addiction take control of your life. Please know that you are not alone. Take the first step towards your recovery journey today. Contact Twilight Recovery Center to learn more about our fentanyl addiction treatment programs.